Prof. Dr. Heiko Pleines
Head of the Dept. of Politics and Economics
Vice Director
Member of the Institute of Political Science of the University of Bremen
Room OEG 3570 / Phone +49 421 218 69602
ORCID Profile
major research interests and activities
- Social policy (CRC 1342 "Global Dynamics of Social Policy")
- Functioning modes and trajectories of political regimes
- Discuss-Data
- Science communication
The section "Research" provides an overview of current und completed research projects as well as a list of supervised PhD projects (completed).
short cv
1991-1997 B.A. in Russian Studies at the School of Slavonic and East European Studies (University College London) and M.A. in History, Economics and Communication Studies at the Ruhr-University Bochum
2002 Doctoral degree in Political Science from Freie Universität Berlin
2006 Habilitation in Political Science at the University of Bremen
1998-2000 Researcher, Federal Institute for East European and International Studies (BIOst), Cologne
2000-2005 Researcher, Forschungsstelle Osteuropa (Research Centre for East European Studies) at the University of Bremen, with stays as visiting scholar at the Institute for Economic Research and Policy Consulting, Kyiv (summer 2003) and the Davis Center for Russian and Eurasian Studies - Harvard University (spring 2004)
2005-2007 Visiting researcher at the National Research University - Higher School of Economics, Moscow with a grant from the Alexander von Humboldt-Foundation
2007/2008 (winter term) Adjunct Professor in Comparative Politics at the University of Bremen
since 2008 Head of the Department of Politics and Economics, Forschungsstelle Osteuropa (Research Centre for East European Studies) at the University of Bremen - since 2015 also Vice Director of the Research Centre / Professor of Comparative Politics at the University of Bremen
published datasets
Discuss Data Profile
see also Heinrich, Andreas / Herrmann, Felix / Pleines, Heiko (2019): Transparency and quality assessment of research data in post-Soviet area studies: The potential of an interactive online platform, in: Journal of Eurasian Studies 10:2, 136-146 (open access)
publications (Google Scholar Profile)
most recent
Pleines, Heiko / Cordes, Charlotta / Felde, Mareike zum / Paustyan, Ekaterina / Rochlitz, Michael / Somfalvy, Esther (2024): Assessing Socialist Past and Sociodemographic Present: The Composition of Political Elites in Central and Eastern Europe from 1990 to 2020, in: Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 57 (4): 194–207 (open access)
Balmaceda, Margarita / Högselius, Per / Johnson, Corey / Pleines, Heiko / Rogers, Douglas / Tynkkynen, Veli-Pekka (2024): Rethinking energy materialities in the shadow of Russia's war on Ukraine, in: Energy Research & Social Science, 117
Chorna, Oksana / Pleines, Heiko (2024): Ukraine’s Political Elites: Composition and Changes from 1992 to 2023, in: Ukrainian Analytical Digest 7, 13-21
Cordes, Charlotta / zum Felde, Mareike / Pleines, Heiko (2024): The Question of Legacies: Socialist Elites in Post-Socialist Transformations—East Germany’s Elites from a Comparative Perspective (1990–2020), in: Günther, Jutta et al. (eds.): Roadblocks to the Socialist Modernization Path and Transition, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 227-253 (open access).
Chorna, Oksana / Pleines, Heiko (2023): Beyond the Frontline: Preventing the Meltdown of Ukraine’s welfare state, Social Policy Worldwide Blog 12 May 2023
Social policy
Pleines, Heiko / Heinrich, Andreas (2023): Resource Boom and Social Policy in Authoritarian Regimes. A Case Study of Russia, in: Hannes Warnecke-Berger, Jan Ickler (eds): The Political Economy of Extractivism. Global Perspectives on the Seduction of Rent, Routledge 2023, 181-198
Heinrich, Andreas / Isabekova, Gulnaz / Pleines, Heiko (2022): Causal Mechanisms in the Introduction of Mandatory Health Insurance in the Post-Soviet Region, in: Kuhlmann, Johanna / Nullmeier, Frank (eds.): Causal Mechanisms in the Global Development of Social Policies, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 141-165 (open access)
Pleines, Heiko (2022): Opposition to the Washington Consensus: The IMF and social policy reforms in post-Soviet Russia, in: Nullmeier, Frank/González de Reufels, Delia/Obinger, Herbert (Hrsg.): International Impacts on Social Policy. Short Histories in a Global Perspective, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 275-284 (open access)
Heinrich, Andreas / Isabekova, Gulnaz / Müller, Armin / Pleines, Heiko / ten Brink, Tobias (2021): The Agency of Recipient Countries in Transnational Policy-related Knowledge Transfer: From Conditionality to Elaborated Autonomous Policy Learning, in: Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 54:3, 51-72 (free access)
Pleines, Heiko (2021): The framing of IMF and World Bank in political reform debates: The role of political orientation and policy fields in the cases of Russia and Ukraine, in: Global Social Policy 21:1, 34-50 (open access)
Isabekova, Gulnaz / Pleines, Heiko (2021): Integrating development aid into social policy: Lessons on cooperation and its challenges learned from the example of health care in Kyrgyzstan, in: Social Policy & Administration, 55:6, 1082-1097 (open access)
Isabekova, Gulnaz / Pleines, Heiko (2020): Integrating development aid into social policy: Lessons on cooperation and its challenges learned from the example of health care in Kyrgyzstan, in: Social Policy & Administration, » online first (open access)
Landgraf, Christin / Pleines, Heiko (2015) (eds.): Interest representation and Europeanization of trade unions from EU member states of the Eastern Enlargement, Ibidem-Publishers / Columbia University Press.
Pleines, Heiko (2012): Representing workers or presenting EU prescriptions? Trade unions from post-socialist Member States in EU multi-level governance, in: Kröger, Sandra / Friedrich, Dawid (eds): The challenge of democratic representation in the European Union, Palgrave Macmillan, 241-257.
Kusznir, Julia / Pleines, Heiko (eds) (2008): Trade unions from post-socialist member states in EU governance, Ibidem-Publishers.
Pleines, Heiko (2007): Gewerkschaftliche Interessenvertretung auf der EU-Ebene. Eine vergleichende Analyse für Polen, Tschechien und die Slowakei, in: Osteuropa Wirtschaft 52:4, 330-346.
Pleines, Heiko (2004): Social partners and captors. The role of non-state actors in economic policy-making in Eastern Europe, in: Romanian Journal of Political Science 4:1, 51-65.
Pleines, Heiko (2004): Der politische Konflikt um die Restrukturierung der russischen Kohleindustrie, in: Osteuropa Wirtschaft 49:1, 49-62.
Pleines, Heiko (2000): Down, out and forever desperate? The role of coal miners‘ protests in Russian politics, in: Harter, Stefanie (eds): Shaping the economic space in Russia, Aldershot (Ashgate), 127-146.
Media, public debates and political conflicts
Pleines, Heiko / Somfalvy, Esther (2023): Protests by journalists in competitive authoritarian regimes: repertoire and impact in the case of Ukraine (2010-14), in: Democratization 30:1, 101-118 (open access)
Somfalvy, Esther / Pleines, Heiko (2021): The agency of journalists in competitive authoritarian regimes. A case study of Ukraine during the Yanukovich presidency, in: Media and Communication 9:4, 82-92 (open access)
Heinrich, Andreas / Pleines, Heiko (2021): Debates about export pipelines from the post-Soviet region: Opinion leaders and advocacy coalitions, in: Extractive Industries and Society, 8:4
Pleines, Heiko (2021): The framing of IMF and World Bank in political reform debates: The role of political orientation and policy fields in the cases of Russia and Ukraine, in: Global Social Policy 21:1, 34-50 (open access)
Pleines, Heiko (2020): Media Control as Source of Political Power: Differentiating Reach and Impact, in: Russian Analytical Digest 258, 2-7 (open access)
Pleines, Heiko (2019): Berichterstattung über öffentliche Proteste in Kasachstan. Medienkontrolle als Quelle politischer Macht, in: Zentralasien-Analysen 138, 2-11 (open access)
Heinrich, Andreas / Pleines, Heiko (2018): The Meaning of ‘Limited Pluralism’ in Media Reporting under Authoritarian Rule, in: Politics and Governance 6:2, 103-111 (open access)
Trajectories of political regimes
Pleines, Heiko / Cordes, Charlotta / Felde, Mareike zum / Paustyan, Ekaterina / Rochlitz, Michael / Somfalvy, Esther (2024): Assessing Socialist Past and Sociodemographic Present: The Composition of Political Elites in Central and Eastern Europe from 1990 to 2020, in: Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 57 (4): 194–207 (open access)
Chorna, Oksana / Pleines, Heiko (2024): Ukraine’s Political Elites: Composition and Changes from 1992 to 2023, in: Ukrainian Analytical Digest 7, 13-21
Cordes, Charlotta / zum Felde, Mareike / Pleines, Heiko (2023): The Question of Legacies: Socialist Elites in Post-Socialist Transformations—East Germany’s Elites from a Comparative Perspective (1990–2020), in: Günther, Jutta et al. (eds.): Roadblocks to the Socialist Modernization Path and Transition, Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, 227-253 (open access).
Pleines, Heiko / Heinrich, Andreas (2023): Resource Boom and Social Policy in Authoritarian Regimes. A Case Study of Russia, in: Hannes Warnecke-Berger, Jan Ickler (eds): The Political Economy of Extractivism. Global Perspectives on the Seduction of Rent, Routledge 2023, 181-198
Pleines, Heiko (2022): The planned war, in: Russian Analytical Digest 283, 4-7 (open access)
Dollbaum, Jan Matti / Pleines, Heiko / Schattenberg, Susanne (eds) (2020): Trajectories of Political Protest in Post-Soviet Spaces, Special Issue, Post-Soviet Affairs 36:3
Pleines, Heiko (2019): The Political Role of Business Magnates in Competitive Authoritarian Regimes, in: Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte 60:2, 299-334 (open access)
Pleines, Heiko (2018): Political Regime-Related Country Rankings, in: Caucasus Analytical Digest 106, 2-19 (open access)
Pleines, Heiko / Wöstheinrich, Ronja (2016): The International–domestic Nexus in Anti-corruption Policy Making: The Case of Caspian Oil and Gas States, in: Europe-Asia Studies, 68:2, 291-311.
Pleines, Heiko (2015): Demokratische Transformationen im Europa des 20. Jahrhunderts, in: Liebert, Ulrike / Wolff, Jana (Hg.): Interdisziplinäre Europastudien: Eine Einführung, VS Verlag, 55-68 (Google Books).
Pleines, Heiko (2012): From competitive authoritarianism to defective democracy. Political regimes in Ukraine before and after the Orange Revolution, in: Stewart, Susan (eds.): Presidents, Oligarchs and Bureaucrats: Forms of Rule in the Post-Soviet Space, Ashgate, 125-138 (Google Books).
Heinrich, Andreas / Pleines, Heiko (2012) (eds): Challenges of the Caspian resource boom. Domestic elites and policy-making, Palgrave Macmillan.
Pleines, Heiko (2008): Autoritäre Tendenzen in formal demokratischen Regimen. Russland und die Ukraine in der vergleichenden Politikwissenschaft, in: Politische Vierteljahresschrift 49:2, 363-377.
Economic elites and politics
Pleines, Heiko (2019): The Political Role of Business Magnates in Competitive Authoritarian Regimes, in: Jahrbuch für Wirtschaftsgeschichte 60:2, 299-334 (open access)
Pleines, Heiko (2017): The international links of Ukrainian oligarchs. Business expansion and transnational offshore networks, in: Beichelt, Timm / Worschech, Susann (eds.): Transnational Ukraine? Networks and Ties that influence(d) Contemporary Ukraine, Ibidem Publishers / Columbia University Press, 161-178.
Pleines, Heiko (2016): Oligarchs and Politics in Ukraine, in: Demokratizatsiya 24:1, 105-127 [Ukrainian translation in Ukraina Moderna 2018 (25)].
Pleines, Heiko (2010): Demokratisierung ohne Demokraten. Die Oligarchen in der ukrainischen Politik, in: Osteuropa 60:2-4, 123-134.
Pleines, Heiko (2009): The political role of the oligarchs, in: Juliane Besters-Dilger (ed.): Ukraine on its way to Europe. Interim results of the Orange Revolution, Verlag Peter Lang, 103-120 [Ukrainian translation: Heiko Pleines (2009): Politichna rol oligarkhiv, in: Juliane Besters-Dilger (red.): Ukraina na shlyakhu do Evropi, Kyiv Mohyla Academy Press, 123-140, aktualisierte Neuauflage als: Pleines, Heiko (2011): Die politische Rolle der Oligarchen, in: Juliane Besters-Dilger, Alois Woldan (Hg.): Die Ukraine auf dem Weg nach Europa, Verlag Peter Lang, 129-146]
Pleines, Heiko (2008): Manipulating politics. Domestic investors in Ukrainian privatisation auctions 2000-2004, in: Europe-Asia Studies 60:7, 1177-1197.
Pleines, Heiko (2008): Reformblockaden in der Wirtschaftspolitik. Die Rolle von Wirtschaftsakteuren in Polen, Russland und der Ukraine, VS Verlag (GoogleBooks).
Pleines, Heiko (2005): Informelle Einflußnahme und Demokratie. Wirtschaftsakteure in Rußland und der Ukraine, in: Osteuropa 55:10, 99-108.
Pleines, Heiko (2005): Der politische Einfluss der polnischen Agrarlobby, in: Osteuropa Wirtschaft 50:2, 151-164.
Pleines, Heiko (2005): Ukrainische Seilschaften. Informelle Einflussnahme in der ukrainischen Wirtschaftspolitik 1992-2004, LIT-Verlag (Google books)
Pleines, Heiko (2004): Aufstieg und Fall. Oligarchen in Rußland, in: Osteuropa 54:3, 71-81.
Pleines, Heiko (2004): Social partners and captors. The role of non-state actors in economic policy-making in Eastern Europe, in: Romanian Journal of Political Science 4:1, 51-65.
Harter, Stefanie / Grävingholt, Jörn / Pleines, Heiko / Schröder, Hans-Henning (2003): Geschäfte mit der Macht. Wirtschaftseliten als politische Akteure im Russland der Transformationsjahre 1992-2001, Edition Temmen (Google Books).
Pleines, Heiko (2003): Wirtschaftseliten und Politik im Russland der Jelzin-Ära, LIT-Verlag.
Energy sector
Balmaceda, Margarita / Högselius, Per / Johnson, Corey / Pleines, Heiko / Rogers, Douglas / Tynkkynen, Veli-Pekka (2024): Rethinking energy materialities in the shadow of Russia's war on Ukraine , Energy Research & Social Science, 117,
Heinrich, Andreas / Pleines, Heiko (2021): Debates about export pipelines from the post-Soviet region: Opinion leaders and advocacy coalitions, in: Extractive Industries and Society, 8:4
Balmaceda, Margarita / Högselius, Per / Johnson, Corey / Pleines, Heiko / Rogers, Douglas / Tynkkynen, Veli-Pekka (2019): Energy materiality: A conceptual review of multi-disciplinary approaches, in: Energy Research & Social Science 56 (open access)
Heinrich, Andreas / Pleines, Heiko (2019): Towards a common European energy policy? Energy security debates in Poland and Germany, the case of the Nord Stream pipeline, in: Anne Jenichen / Ulrike Liebert (eds.): Europeanisation vs. Renationalisation. Learning from Crisis for European Political Development, Leverkusen (Barbara Budrich Publishers), 169-182
Heinrich, Andreas / Pleines, Heiko (2015): Mixing geopolitics and business. How ruling elites in the Caspian states justify their choice of export pipelines, in: Journal of Eurasian Studies 6:2, 107-113 (open access).
Heinrich, Andreas / Pleines, Heiko (2014) (eds.): Export Pipelines from the CIS Region. Geopolitics, Securitization, and Political Decision-Making, Ibidem-Publishers/Columbia University Press.
Heinrich, Andreas / Pleines, Heiko (2013): Strategiya sotrudnichestva nemeckikh gasovikh kompanii s Gazpromom, in: A. V. Devyatkov, A. S. Makarychev (eds): Rossiya I Germaniya v postranstve evropeiskikh komunikacii, Tyumen State University Press, 197-213.
Heinrich, Andreas / Pleines, Heiko (2013): Weder Fluch noch Segen. Die Steuerung des Ölbooms im postsowjetischen Raum, in: Osteuropa 63:7, 87-100.
Heinrich, Andreas / Pleines, Heiko (2012): Resource challenges. Die politische Dimension von Ölbooms, in: Neue politische Literatur 57:3, 443-477.
Pleines, Heiko (2010): Energiewirtschaft und Energiepolitik, in: Pleines, Heiko / Schröder, Hans-Henning (Hg.): Länderbericht Russland, Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung, 329-345.
Pleines, Heiko (2009): Developing Russia’s Oil and Gas Industry: What Role for the State?, in: Perovic, Jeronim / Orttung, Robert / Wenger, Andreas (eds): Russian Energy Power and Foreign Relations, Routledge, 71-86.
Heinrich, Andreas / Pleines, Heiko (2006): Factors influencing the corporate governance of post-socialist companies. Examples from the oil industry, in: HSE Economic Journal 10:3, 402-419 (open access).
Pleines, Heiko (2006): Russian energy companies and the enlarged European Union, in: Wenger, Andreas / Orttung, Robert / Perovic, Jeronim (eds): Russian Business Power. The role of Russian business in foreign and security relations, Routledge, 47-66 [reprint as paperback 2009] (Google Books)
Heinrich, Andreas / Kusznir, Julia / Pleines, Heiko (2006): Prozračnost’ v rossijskoj neftjanoj promyšlennosti. Meždunarodnye standarty i praktičeskie rekomendacii, in: Makaryčev, Andrej / Paleevaja, Olga (red.): Energetičeskij sektor Rossii. Prozračnost’, bezopasnost’, regional’nye variacii, Nishnij Nowgorod (RusExpertTransit/TRACC), 32-47.
Kusznir, Julia / Pleines, Heiko (2004): Reichtum für wen? Zur politischen Ökonomie rußländischer Ölfelder, in: Osteuropa 54:9-10, 340-354.
Pleines, Heiko (2004): Der politische Konflikt um die Restrukturierung der russischen Kohleindustrie, in: Osteuropa Wirtschaft 49:1, 49-62.
Heinrich, Andreas / Kusznir, Julia / Pleines, Heiko (2002): Foreign investment and national interests in the Russian oil and gas industry, in: Post-Communist Economies 14:4, 495-507.
Pleines, Heiko (2002): Verschleppte Wirtschaftsreformen und ihre Folgen. Fallbeispiel Energiesektor, in: Simon, Gerhard (Hg.): Die neue Ukraine, Verlag Böhlau, 225-243.
Pleines, Heiko (2000): Gazprom als Sponsor der virtuellen Wirtschaft? Zur Rationalität eines russischen Wirtschaftsakteurs, in: Osteuropa Wirtschaft 45:3, 308-315.
Pleines, Heiko (1999): Corruption and crime in the Russian oil industry, in: Lane, David (ed.): The political economy of Russian oil, Rowman & Littlefield, 97-110 (Google books).
Pleines, Heiko / Westphal, Kirsten (1999): Russlands Gazprom. Teil I: Die Rolle des Gaskonzerns in der russischen Politik und Wirtschaft, Berichte des BIOst 33/1999, Bundesinstitut für Ostwissenschaftliche und Internationale Studien
Pleines, Heiko (1998): Atomenergie in der Ukraine, in: Blätter für deutsche und internationale Politik 43:10, 1266-1269.
Pleines, Heiko (1998): Energy in Ukraine, Financial Times Energy Publishing.
Corruption and informal relations
Pleines, Heiko (2023): Internationale Unterstützung für den Wiederaufbau in der Ukraine: Die Rolle von Korruption und »Good Governance«, in: ifo Schnelldienst 76, 22-24 (open access)
Pleines, Heiko (2017): The international links of Ukrainian oligarchs. Business expansion and transnational offshore networks, in: Beichelt, Timm / Worschech, Susann (eds.): Transnational Ukraine? Networks and Ties that influence(d) Contemporary Ukraine, Ibidem Publishers / Columbia University Press, 161-178.
Pleines, Heiko / Wöstheinrich, Ronja (2016): The International–domestic Nexus in Anti-corruption Policy Making: The Case of Caspian Oil and Gas States, in: Europe-Asia Studies, 68:2, 291-311.
Pleines, Heiko (2016): Oligarchs and Politics in Ukraine, in: Demokratizatsiya 24:1, 105-127 [Ukrainian translation in Ukraina Moderna 2018 (25)].
Aasland, Aadne / Grødeland, Åse Berit / Pleines, Heiko (2012): Trust and Informal Practice among Elites in East Central Europe, South East Europe and the West Balkans, in: Europe-Asia Studies, 64:1, 115-143.
Pleines, Heiko (2012): The role of corruption in the governance of the oil and gas industry, in: Heinrich, Andreas / Pleines, Heiko (eds): Challenges of the Caspian resource boom. Domestic elites and policy-making, Palgrave Macmillan, 205-216.
Mansfeldova, Zdenka / Pleines, Heiko (eds) (2011): Informal relations from democratic representation to corruption. Case studies from Central and Eastern Europe, Ibidem-Publishers / Columbia University Press.
Pleines, Heiko (2008): Manipulating politics. Domestic investors in Ukrainian privatisation auctions 2000-2004, in: Europe-Asia Studies 60:7, 1177-1197.
Pleines, Heiko (2005): Ukrainische Seilschaften. Informelle Einflussnahme in der ukrainischen Wirtschaftspolitik 1992-2004, LIT-Verlag (Google books)
Pleines, Heiko (2005): Informalisierung statt Institutionalisierung von Reformen? Zur Rolle von Korruption am Beispiel der Unternehmensbesteuerung, in: Höhmann, Hans-Hermann u.a. (Hg.): Nur ein Ölboom? Bestimmungsfaktoren und Perspektiven der russischen Wirtschaft, LIT-Verlag, 247-258.
Pleines, Heiko (2005): Informelle Einflußnahme und Demokratie. Wirtschaftsakteure in Rußland und der Ukraine, in: Osteuropa 55:10, 99-108.
Pleines, Heiko (2002): Banks and illegal activities, in: Lane, David (ed.): The Russian Banking Sector. Evolution, Problems and Prospects, Edward Elgar Publishing, 119-136.
Pleines, Heiko (2002): Steuerhinterziehung in Rußland, in: Hans-Hermann Höhmann u.a. (Hg.): Das russische Steuersystem im Übergang, Edition Temmen, 195-209.
Pleines, Heiko (2000): Corruption networks in the Russian economy, in: Slovo 12 (special issue), 104-120.
Pleines, Heiko (2000): Large-scale corruption and rent-seeking in the Russian banking sector, in: Ledeneva, Alena / Kurkchiyan, Marina (eds): Economic crime in Russia, Kluwer, 191-207.
Pleines, Heiko (1999): Geregelte Regelverletzung. Korruption und informelle Netzwerke in Rußland, in: Höhmann, Hans-Hermann (Hg.): Eine unterschätzte Dimension? Zur Rolle wirtschaftskultureller Faktoren in der osteuropäischen Transformation, Edition Temmen, 177-192.
Pleines, Heiko (1999): Corruption and crime in the Russian oil industry, in: Lane, David (ed.): The political economy of Russian oil, Rowman & Littlefield, 97-110 (Google books).
Pleines, Heiko (1998): Korruption und Kriminalität im russischen Bankensektor, Berichte des BIOst 28/1998, Bundesinstitut für Ostwissenschaftliche und Internationale Studien
Civil society organisations in EU governance
Landgraf, Christin / Pleines, Heiko (2015) (eds.): Interest representation and Europeanization of trade unions from EU member states of the Eastern Enlargement, Ibidem-Publishers / Columbia University Press.
Pleines, Heiko (2012): Representing workers or presenting EU prescriptions? Trade unions from post-socialist Member States in EU multi-level governance, in: Kröger, Sandra / Friedrich, Dawid (eds): The challenge of democratic representation in the European Union, Palgrave Macmillan, 241-257.
Pleines, Heiko (2011): Challenges of integration and participation. Civil society organizations from new member states in EU governance, in: Liebert, Ulrike / Trenz, Hans-Jörg (eds): The new politics of European civil society, Routledge, 178-194.
Pleines, Heiko (2011): Weakness as precondition of smooth integration? Representation strategies of functional interest groups from new member states at the EU level, in: Journal of European Integration 33:4, 507-521.
Pleines, Heiko (2010): Is this the way to Brussels? CEE civil society involvement in EU governance, in: Acta Politica 45:1-2, 229-246.
Kusznir, Julia / Pleines, Heiko (eds) (2008): Trade unions from post-socialist member states in EU governance, Ibidem-Publishers.
Pleines, Heiko (2007): Gewerkschaftliche Interessenvertretung auf der EU-Ebene. Eine vergleichende Analyse für Polen, Tschechien und die Slowakei, in: Osteuropa Wirtschaft 52:4, 330-346.
Pleines, Heiko / Bušková, Kristýna (2007): Czech environmental NGOs. Actors or agents in EU multilevel governance?, in: Contemporary European Studies 2:1, 37-50 (open access).
Obradovic, Daniela / Pleines, Heiko (eds) (2007): The capacity of Central and East European interest groups to participate in EU governance, Ibidem-Publishers.
Pleines, Heiko (ed) (2006): Participation of Civil Society in New Modes of Governance. The Case of the New EU Member States. 3 parts, Working Papers of the Research Centre for East European Studies (Arbeitspapiere und Materialien der Forschungsstelle Osteuropa) No. 69, 74 and 76
Economic culture
Pleines, Heiko (2008): Die russische Corporate Governance-Regulierung als wirtschaftsliberales Politikprojekt, in: Heiko Pleines (Hg.): Corporate Governance in post-sozialistischen Volkswirtschaften, Ibidem-Verlag, 135-154 (Google Books).
Pleines, Heiko (2006): Wirtschaftskulturelle Ansätze in der deutschen Osteuropaforschung, in: Sozialwissenschaftlicher Fachinformationsdienst Osteuropaforschung 13:2, 9-15 (open access).
Pleines, Heiko (2006): Die Bedeutung wirtschaftskultureller Faktoren. Methodische Überlegungen und Implikationen für die erweiterte EU, in: Goldschmidt, Nils / Zweynert, Joachim (Hg.): Die Interaktion der ökonomischen Kulturen und Institutionen im erweiterten Europa, LIT-Verlag, 37-56
Pleines, Heiko (2006): Corporate Governance-Regulierung in Russland zwischen Regelimport und Wirtschaftskultur, in: Osteuropa Wirtschaft 51:3-4, 266-283.
Pleines, Heiko (2004): Wirtschaftskulturelle Faktoren in der postsozialistischen Transformation. Der Bremer Ansatz, in: Berliner Debatte Initial 15:5-6, 55-63.
Fruchtmann, Jakob / Pleines, Heiko (2002): Wirtschaftskulturelle Faktoren in der russischen Steuergesetzgebung und Steuerpraxis, LIT-Verlag (Google Books).
Höhmann, Hans-Hermann / Fruchtmann, Jakob / Pleines, Heiko (2002) (Hg.): Das russische Steuersystem im Übergang. Rahmenbedingungen, institutionelle Veränderungen, kulturelle Bestimmungsfaktoren, Edition Temmen.
Pleines, Heiko (2002): Wirtschaftskultur als Hemmnis für die Umsetzung von Reformen. Eine Fallstudie zur russischen Unternehmensbesteuerung, in: Osteuropa 52:3, 335-345.