Discuss Data - Repository and discussion platform for research data
Discuss Data is a repository for archiving, sharing, and discussing research data on Eastern Europe, the South Caucasus, and Central Asia. It is a DFG-funded project of the FSO Bremen and the State and University Library Göttingen and has been online since November 2020.
The interactive platform for research data management focuses on a novel community-centered approach: Discuss Data allows researchers not only to archive their data, share it with other researchers and thus make it reusable, but also to discuss the data on the same platform with regard to its quality, validity, applicability, etc. within the scientific community.
In the 2nd phase, which has been approved by the DFG and will start in spring 2023, the platform will extend beyond social science data and, in collaboration with the archive of the Research Centre for East European Studies, will receive a second community space with archival data on soviet dissent and samizdat. A third community space on “Digital Humanities” will be implemented in cooperation with the Herzog August Bibliothek Wolfenbüttel.
Link to Discuss Data: https://discuss-data.net/
Contact and coordination at FSO:
Dr. Eduard Klein, Felix Herrmann